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The New Miami learning community continues to make great strides supporting the learning needs of each student. The district recognizes that continuing positive results for our students are very closely tied to partnering and working collaboratively with our families and our community. It is this partnership that makes New Miami a special place.

I encourage everyone to stay up to date on the latest happenings in the district by following our social media and news items on this website!

Rhonda Parker, Superintendent
(513) 863-0833

Tina Cook, Secretary to the Superintendent
(513) 863-0833 ext. 3000

Student Wellness and Success Grant Plan

School District:  New Miami Local Schools 

District Contact:  Rhonda Parker, Superintendent

Person Completing Form:  Nicole Kidd, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Fiscal Year:  2024

Community Partnership:  Butler County Educational Service Center

District Information

New Miami Local Schools is pleased to present this plan for Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid and Student Wellness and Success Funds for your review.  We look forward to partnering with the Butler County Educational Service Center, 400 N. Erie Hwy., Hamilton, OH, New Path Counseling, 6975 Dixie Hwy., Fairfield  45014, and Butler County Sheriff’s Department, 705 Hanover St. Hamilton, OH, and our school professionals to conduct and provide assessments, interventions, and resources for our students with social, emotional, behavioral and mental health needs. New Miami Local Schools have over 178 at risk students with social and emotional learning needs.  The objective of the partnership plan is to help all students with poor or underdeveloped coping strategies to learn age appropriate coping strategies to be successful at school and in life.

During the 2023-24 school year, we have been providing the majority of the services on campus as counselors and day treatment have been implemented on site. With this grant, we will be able to expand our efforts by having a Social Emotional Coordinator to intervene with students, along with providing professional development training for staff and families.

The New Miami Local Schools uses funding to expand our Social Emotional Resources with the objective of helping all at-risk students improve/increase their coping skills and strategies comparatively as their same age peers.  

The objective is that by the end of the year the students will have developed social emotional skills and/or strategies to better deal with their current situation. Funding in the amount of $584,707.98 has been allocated for DPIA and $316,782.85 for Student Wellness and Success.  Services will be allocated for a Social Emotional Coordinator, School Resource Officer, Psychologist, Butler County Success Liaison, and staff training. New Path provides services to students and files claims through Medicaid.  Students not receiving Medicaid services are charged a fee based on a sliding scale.

New Miami Local School has approximately 600 students, of which 178 have been determined to be at risk in their social emotional learning.  These include trauma, learning disabilities, such as attention deficit disorder (ADD) and other economic based barriers. Research shows if not given an opportunity to improve students’ social and emotional learning, they are more likely to be truant and drop out of school.